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How to use an electronic dog training collar?


The best training collars are going to have at least 100 levels of correction. This allows you to really fine-tune the static stimulation to your dog’s specific temperament.

Like other types of dog training collars such as pinch collars or choke chains, electric collars deliver an unpleasant sensation, from a distance, to interrupt your dog without the use of brute force. Timing is crucial when delivering a correction, the more precise the timing is, the quicker your dog will make the association and change his or her behavior. One of hallmark benefits of electric collars is the ability to communicate at a distance, which is why e-collars are so popular for hunting and other advanced dog sports.

Training with a remote collar can be divided into two general categories: stopping unwanted behaviors and reinforcing learned commands. Electric shock collars are never used to introduce new commands or to punish your dog, nor should they be used on pups under six months.

Stopping unwanted behaviors is the number one reason people purchase electric dog collars. Whether it is jumping up, eating garbage, chasing cats, or some other irritating or dangerous behavior, a shock collar will cease the behavior in a short time.